Monday, September 24, 2012

Seeking Purity

I've been wanting to share my thoughts as I go through the new Bible study, Seeking Purity: An In-Depth Study of the Book of Hosea by Laura Ford.

I am so blessed with a wonderful and amazing family. Laura is my cousin, and although we lived far apart during our growing up years, we've had many opportunities during our lives to visit and hang out together. I even spent one summer in Montana living near her family and loving every minute of it.

So, when I heard she was releasing a new Bible study, I was one of the first to line up and get it. I've read through a great deal of it, but I wanted to put down some of my thoughts as I went through and studied. My plan is to start over and share as I go along.

I've read the old testament plenty of times, but never delved too deep into the books. However, I've always been fascinated with the story of Hosea. God told this man to find a promiscuous wife, marry her, and have children with her. Wow, that's quite a request! Hosea obeyed with a willing heart. There are plenty of times in our lives when we wonder why God wants us to do something. We question, rebel a little (or a lot), and act like we really didn't hear what He said. I'm actually pretty good at that. I have a feeling my reaction would have been a little different than Hosea's.

Many times I've wondered when am I going to stop and listen to God and what He wants for my life? God wanted Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman for a multitude of reasons. He's just asked me to do a couple small things, not even close to comparing with Hosea, and I have a hard time with that.

Laura says in her study, "Dear friend, we have nothing to fear. If we genuinely love God and keep His commands, He will show loving-kindness not only to us, but to many generations after us. God is jealous for you, just like a groom should be of his bride. He wants you all to Himself."

My plan is to listen with my ears and my heart.

Blessings to you today in your journey.

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Proverbs 16:3

Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.