Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fudge for Christmas

All these years I thought I loved Christmas more than any other holiday. I still do. But, it dawned on me that what I really love is everything that leads up to Christmas day.

Don't get me wrong. I still love everything about that day. Family, the fact that Christ was born on that day, opening gifts, and eating. Lots and lots of eating. I'm specifically thinking about fudge and mashed potatoes. No holiday would be complete without those two dishes.

For me, the season starts with one thing. The Charlie Brown Halloween special. That's right. Halloween. My mother tells me every year that Halloween should not be celebrated because of the implications. It celebrates evil. While I must agree with that, Halloween--to me--is all about candy. As Jerry Seinfeld put it, "get candy, get candy, get candy." What other day in the year can you run around, dressed like something you clearly are not, and beg for candy? Yummy.

Charlie Brown signals the beginning of the holiday season. After all, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. And we all know that Christmas right behind Thanksgiving. I love the hype, the build up, the shopping, the planning, the cooking, and all the anticipation of the day.

Every once in a while I have to be reminded of why we celebrate. Sad really that I have to remind myself. Christ doesn't have to remind himself to think of me. He has me on his mind all the time. That's right, all the time. He doesn't get distracted by lights, or whether or not he has all the fudge ingredients. He not only thinks of me throughout the season, but all year, day and night.

What an incredible thought. He loves each of us so much that he came to this earth, to this place of sin, to save us. If that's doesn't spell the meaning of love, I don't know anything else that does.

So, this season, I am planning on remembering what Christmas is really all about. Christ.


Author and Editor Sandra D. Bricker said...

I'm kind of the opposite. On Halloween, the dread sets in ... and I just try to get through to the new year. Especially this year with all of its extraordinary challenges.

But your blog reminded me of my mom and how much she loved to make Christmas fudge. She claimed it was Mamie Eisenhower's recipe, passed to her from some Marine Corps connection my dad had. I'm guessing she found it in Ladies Home Journal and just forgot. But still ... it was awesome fudge! I haven't thought about it in years. Thanks for the reminders of fudge and Jesus. :-)

juliepollitt said...

Fudge and Jesus in the same sentence. That just sounds right.

william2233 said...

Nice site, from a children author

juliepollitt said...

Thanks William2233!

Proverbs 16:3

Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.